在地下赛车界里,新兴赛车手“小乐”(瘦子 饰),因与哥哥“阿杰”(柯有伦 饰)竞速的比试中发生意外而自暴自弃,直到他遇上女医生“慧慧”(陈嘉桦 饰),转念成为了救护车司机,誓言要“用速度救人”。然而,命运并未轻易的放过小乐,在三宝(大渊、 林真亦、 林志谦 饰)与地下赛车界大哥“本哥”(小春 饰)的共同调查下,阿杰意外的真相逐渐浮现……
告白Dany For My QueenDany, it's finally your moment to shine! Your voice was filled with strength, compassion, and charisma when you spoke Valyrian to the unsullied, those highly-disciplined slave warriors You've come a long way to become the one true queen, the last standing Targaryen, the Unburnt, the Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi of The Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and later Queen of Meereen, as well as Queen of the Andals (the Rhoynar) and the First Men! You value your counsels' advice but you urged them not to question you in front of strangers as you’ve began to act as a leader who has her own will and vision Raised as a suffered exile has taught you to be strong, confident, and adaptive You've gradually grown into a strategic and visionary leader who utilizes her personal charisma and natural charm to inspire, lead, support, and fight alongside your followers